How to fix refrigerator tripping breaker

How to fix refrigerator tripping breaker

Refrigerators are essential appliances in any household, diligently keeping our food fresh and beverages chilled. However, encountering a situation where your refrigerator repeatedly trips the breaker can be frustrating and concerning. Understanding the root cause of this issue and knowing how to address it effectively is crucial for maintaining your refrigerator’s functionality and ensuring your home’s safety.

Understanding the Problem

When your refrigerator trips the breaker, it indicates an underlying electrical issue that needs attention. Several factors could contribute to this problem, including:

Overloading the Circuit

One common reason for a refrigerator tripping the breaker is overloading its connected circuit. Plugging multiple high-energy appliances into the same circuit can exceed its capacity, leading to frequent tripping.

Faulty Wiring

Faulty wiring within the refrigerator or connected electrical outlet can also cause the breaker to trip. Wiring issues may result from wear and tear over time or improper installation.

Defective Components

Faulty components within the refrigerator, such as a malfunctioning compressor or a damaged power cord, can trigger the breaker to trip. Identifying these defective parts is essential for resolving the issue.

Precautionary Measures

To prevent your refrigerator from tripping the breaker in the first place, consider implementing the following preventive measures:

Regular Maintenance

Schedule regular maintenance checks for your refrigerator to ensure all components function correctly. Clean the coils, inspect the wiring, and promptly address any signs of wear or damage.

Power Source Inspection

Check your refrigerator’s electrical outlet and power cord for any signs of damage or wear. Loose connections or frayed wires can increase the risk of tripping the breaker.

Troubleshooting Steps

Troubleshooting Steps

If your refrigerator is already tripping the breaker, follow these troubleshooting steps to diagnose the problem:

Step 1: Unplug the Refrigerator

Start by unplugging the refrigerator from the electrical outlet to prevent potential hazards while troubleshooting.

Step 2: Check for Overloading

Unplugging any additional appliances sharing the same circuit will ensure that the circuit your refrigerator is connected to isn’t overloaded.

Step 3: Inspect the Power Cord

Carefully examine your refrigerator’s power cord for any visible signs of damage or wear, such as frayed wires or exposed insulation.

Step 4: Test the Outlet

Plug another appliance into the same outlet to determine if the problem lies with the outlet itself rather than the refrigerator.

Step 5: Examine the Circuit Breaker

Inspect the circuit breaker associated with the refrigerator for any signs of damage or malfunction. Reset the breaker and observe if it trips again when the fridge is plugged back in.

DIY Solutions

In some cases, you may be able to resolve the issue with your refrigerator tripping the breaker on your own:

Cleaning the Coils

Regularly clean your refrigerator’s condenser coils to ensure efficient heat dissipation, reducing the risk of overheating and tripping the breaker.

Replacing the Power Cord

If your refrigerator’s power cord is damaged or worn out, consider replacing it with a new one to prevent electrical issues.

Professional Assistance

If you’re unable to diagnose or fix the problem on your own, don’t hesitate to seek professional assistance:

Calling a Technician

Contact a certified appliance repair technician to inspect and repair your refrigerator. They have the expertise and tools to identify and address complex electrical issues safely.

Signs of Serious Issues

If you notice any unusual sounds, odours, or leaks coming from your refrigerator, it may indicate a more serious underlying issue that requires immediate attention from a professional.

Replacing Parts

In some cases, replacing damaged components may be necessary to resolve the issue:

Compressor Replacement

If your refrigerator’s compressor is malfunctioning and causing the breaker to trip, consider replacing it with a new one to restore functionality.

Power Cord Replacement

Replacing a damaged power cord with a new one can eliminate electrical issues and prevent future occurrences of tripping the breaker.

Upgrading Electrical Wiring

If your refrigerator consistently trips the breaker despite troubleshooting efforts, it may be time to consider upgrading the electrical wiring in your home:

Professional Electrician

Hire a licensed electrician to assess the wiring in your home and recommend necessary upgrades to accommodate the electrical load of your refrigerator and other appliances.

Preventing Future Occurrences

To avoid encountering the issue of your refrigerator tripping the breaker in the future, implement the following preventive measures:

Regular Maintenance Schedule

Stick to a regular maintenance schedule for your refrigerator, including cleaning the coils, inspecting the wiring, and checking for signs of wear or damage.

Avoid Overloading Circuits

Distribute the electrical load evenly across different circuits in your home to prevent overloading and minimize the risk of tripping breakers.


Dealing with a refrigerator that keeps tripping the breaker can be frustrating. Still, with the proper knowledge and proactive measures, you can effectively address the issue and restore functionality to your appliance. By understanding the potential causes, troubleshooting steps, and preventive measures outlined in this article, you can keep your refrigerator running smoothly and safely for years.


1. Why does my refrigerator keep tripping the breaker?

  • Your refrigerator may be overloading the circuit, experiencing faulty wiring, or having defective components.

2. Can I fix my refrigerator, tripping the breaker alone?

  • Depending on the issue, you can resolve it with DIY solutions. However, complex electrical problems should be addressed by a professional technician.

3. How often should I schedule maintenance for my refrigerator?

  • Aim for quarterly maintenance checks to ensure optimal performance and prevent potential issues.

4. Is it safe to continue using my refrigerator if it keeps tripping the breaker?

  • It’s not advisable to continue using a refrigerator that repeatedly trips the breaker, as it could further pose safety hazards and potentially damage the appliance.

5. What should I do if I need help with the troubleshooting steps?

  • If you’ve exhausted all troubleshooting options without success, it’s best to seek assistance from a qualified appliance repair technician.

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